Sorry for the long delay in posting here. It's been an eventful few weeks. After my return from the
ASM annual meeting in Toronto, I attended an excellent PhD thesis defense (Tetyana Nosenko from
Debashish Bhattacharya's lab), and then left immediately for the
13th German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium. I'll write more about this meeting later..
From there, I went directly to the
Outer Banks of North Carolina for a week of vacation with my family. The main agenda items for me are given in the title to this post. I spent 4 of 5 days on the beach, drinking beer, body-surfing and other water-frolicking, napping and reading books when possible (one day was spent recovering from a sun-burn).
Beach. We (12 of us, comprising both my immediate and extended family) stayed in a
guest house in Hatteras which was situated ~5 min from the Atlantic Ocean. It was glorious. The kids (myself included) has a great time splashing in the waves and digging in the sand. Thanks to my sister, Beth, for making the arrangements.
Beer. Throughout the week, I emptied many bottles of
Red Hook's Longhammer IPA. This was a perfect beach beer. It's both tasty and refreshing! Of course, there were a few bottles of
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (my standard libation) consumed, too.
Books. Although I brought more than I could possibly finish, here are the ones I actually cracked (and in a couple cases, finished):
Blink (Malcom Gladwell);
Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman);
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig);
Killing Yourself to Live (also Chuck Klosterman).

So it's back to reality for me, but at least I enjoyed myself on the Outer Banks!